Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Self Esteem By Carol Craig - 1090 Words

Self-Esteem can be harmful and make people very self centered, but others lack confidence and need a boost of self-esteem. Self-esteem is a very important factor in various reasons that happens in people’s daily life. With no type of thought people don’t think or take self-esteem with importance without realizing that self-esteem is a huge thing that us humans depend for our daily activities. Some shifts that have happened toward self- esteem over the past few decades were the fact that many people don’t really get an effect of having a boost of self-esteem in order for them to reach success. Therefore, self-esteem is not important in the success of individuals but it is important in their well being and psychological health. The history†¦show more content†¦He stated, â€Å"low self-esteem was the cause of crime, teenage pregnancy, drug abuse, and school underachievement† (par. 18). This shows that these are examples of the problems that low self-esteem causes. However, Professor Martin Seligman gave many arguments against the self-esteem movement going against David Hume and John Vasconcellos’ arguments, but supporting Roy Baumeister, the first outright critic of the self-esteem movement, and Nicholas Emler that supported Baumeister’s findings that low self-esteem was not a risk factor for educational problems. Seligman went against the idea that self-esteem could be extremely boosted. So, Craig’s purpose for writing this text is to show that the decreases and increases in self-esteem which are concurrent with failures and successes. In the video â€Å"Why thinking you’re ugly is bad for you† , by Meaghan Ramsey talks about how having a low self- esteem can affect young women more than gentlemen in academics and in daily activities. She states that â€Å"six out of ten girls are refusing to get involved in anything because they worry about how they look† (4:44) .Although, many young adults deny tha t they care about how they look or what people think of them deep down they do because they just want to â€Å"fit in†. In this video they do agree with the fact that self-esteem does affect a person s success because of they think more about their appearance than their academics.Show MoreRelatedSelf Esteem Essay718 Words   |  3 PagesCan self-esteem really engender success, or does it induce the well-being of individuals? By success, I mean academic achievement and a college degree. Self-esteem is crucial to the well-being and happiness of individuals. However, too much self-esteem makes people become narcissistic, which is destructive and superfluous to becoming successful. Therefore, self-esteem cannot engender success, which is corroborated with the self-esteem movement, but it can cause the well-being of individuals. 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